On WhatsApp dangerous bug found in it hackers there are 2 apps that helps student's get more involved with music. Circle of 6 app available on android ios free available
bug find in it app getting crash but bug removes it update app now . On WhatsApp dangerous bug found in it hackers can send 1 mesg to crash app uninstall and reinstall it again in group chat mesg send many smartphone apps get crash on it chat history also get delete in it after reinstall can't go to the group chat see history on it. Bon app etit .. there are 2 apps that helps student's get more involved with music ...free music app..is with out any charges it comprises end less catalogue of music online both audio video, boom music player app this app turns any music player into 3d surround sound equaliser . Circle of 6 app available on android ios free available on it or available on www.circle0f6app.com this app is used for to keep safety from others unknown persons.