2 day's after message get delete on WhatsApp app on mobile wallpaper how to stop it not using app's sms
2 day's after mesg get delete on WhatsApp currently how much time? Currently 1hrs 8 minutes and 16 second time mesh get delete it 2017 starts after with in 8 minutes can delete mesg then this service popular becomes WhatsApp delete for all new features starts and time period increase it how much time get? 2days 12 minutes time required to delete message for all admin has power group mesh delete service group admin WhatsApp soon gives it so on group wrong mesg admin can delete it WhatsApp group call during some to mute service soon get it WhatsApp use in countries India 4.9 CR Brazil 12 cr Indonesia 8.4 cr USA 80 Russia 6.7 cr . On mobile wallpaper how to stop it not using apps SMS watch send permission stop it notification watch hide permission stop it to give app permission information read it mobile update check it how malware works inside mobile wifi get stop it data to end it works hackers to get costlier subscription mobile wallet use it so 1 time password OTP mesg hac...