Vpn- in digital world to keep privacy Yougle—tech update from google learn data privacys 4-p & safety TO SEARCH WIFI PASSWORD INTERNET SPEED
Vpn - in digital world to keep privacy vpn means virtual private account importanted resources to stop hackers to see you use vpn your ip address looks like vpn donar server as ip addr due to this your profile location can’t see some vpn services are free available but paid money get more safety. Yougle—tech update from google learn data privacys 4-p & safety k eep 1- peek setting peek which is useful 2- personalize- watch experience personalize it 3- protect –all activity safety 4- plan on web safety research plan it personalize page link privacy check up tool click it privacy setting page open auto delete option set to control time now google save your activity next google experience personalize option on google account data save or not decide it google activity protect activity google account save for turn on pose it 4 th part add personalization tool on web display ads control it for that google account data & personalization ...