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Showing posts from November 25, 2017

android 11 launch at start available on google Musical dot lye video sharing app For YouTube video watch on WhatsApp While traveling in Europe on your bike ride

android 11 launch:- at start available on google pixel smartphone now available on all smartphone app speed 20% increase in it. feature:-screen recording screen activity record,2 section swipe screen notification and whatsapp other mesg 2 parts divide ,smart home devices:-power button more time press smart control use it,smart folder:-app use know in 1 folder 1 type app collect in it, safety:- 1 app location and storage inf for all get it. Musical dot lye video sharing app songs-music app make 3 friend's star it has 19 lakhs followers 20 crods users we can upload 15 second video on it.    For YouTube video watch on WhatsApp  New features pip mode picture in picture mode watch video inchat box while chatting with other friends. While traveling in Europe on your bike ride Use bike map app or Google map app.or map apps.