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Showing posts from August 19, 2023

What's app eye's now authentication way's for android iOS platform turn by turn directions on Apple maps Now open what's app by features on what's app coming soon on it

  What's app eye's now authentication way's for android iOS platform users.dark mode feature recently rolled out along with android q update android user might soon get a new what's app fingerprint authotication option to increase security. Tech Buzz..turn by turn directions on Apple well as support for cab nailing apps uber ola in Apple maps India. Now open what's app by features on what's app coming soon on it due to this others can't read watch our chat .for android users coming soon new what's app fingerprint authotication option available on it security increased other's can't read our chat or use it guarantees it messaging app Android 2.19.3 update what's app beta rollout for android users new fingers print authotication features,for iOS face I'd touch I'd integration worked on it after this app for Android users what's app fingerprint authotication working on it.

For body fitness ...goal achievement... apps For new year WhatsApp coming soon with 9 new features.. On what's app more interesting three new features.

For body fitness ...goal achievement... apps (work out trainer app,eat this much app,pocket guard app).   For new year WhatsApp coming soon with 9 new a time many voice message can listening,sticker search new option, vacation mode silent mode, what's app link account testing going on,dark mode , using QR code sharing,multishare files,mesg preview, notifications video watch. On what's app more interesting three new features.. private reply inphoto video sticker add 3d touch status watch currently available on iPhone users only coming soon on android users.

Keep calm use it..calm ,chant, create my peace Easy fire tools..get it for free for android luscher color test developer seanetix app's available on play store and app store cost free

  Keep calm use it..calm ,chant, create my peace ,mind miracle app.mind games, Happy five,brain fitness app,fill the color, create your story app ,power nap sound skap app ,head space app. Easy fire tools..get it for free for android with this free app you can install any app from your phone on to a firetv stick in Seconds. App review....luscher color test developer seanetix app's available on play store and app store cost free download size 4.9 mb rating 4.7/5 the luscher color test is a psychological test invented by Dr max luscher in Basel Switzerland max luscher belived that sensory perception of color is objective and universally shared by all but that color preferences are subjective and that distinction allows subjective state's to be objectively measured by using test Colors.

ech Buzz byte dance app to take on we chat For safety browsing use these apps Read more same as one plus five in android phone reading mode experience get it

  Tech Buzz byte dance app to take on we chat video based messaging service designed to take on Tencents WeChat named duoshan the app lets user send short lived videos gifs and images to each other. For safety browsing use these apps.. tor browser app to protect data and privacy online,web browser app to block any sites from tracking,fire fox Focus app for iOS Android users. Read more same as one plus five in android phone reading mode experience get it  for better experience enable android reading mode developer option enable it settings about phone settings build number 7-8 times click it simulate colour space settings name option v it mono chromoci select it device grey scale effect get it Google Chrome on mobile in URL bar type chrome :// plugs reader mode trigger it find option open it search it always tap it launch browse again below webpage make page more friendly tap it now web reader mode open it.for same effect use trivlight application same as reading mode. Ch...

helps in organising your notes and thoughts helps you find fitness wellness or Beauty classes in your neighborhood. On what's app how to take mesg back up.

  bear app..helps in organising your notes and thoughts , mind body app helps you find fitness wellness or Beauty classes in your neighborhood. On what's app how to take mesg back what's app menu settings options click it settings chat chat option click it back-up to Google drive option display select it to take back-up .

tracks your screen time you use your smartphone in a healthy way learn to code for free quick games on your phone for sketching and painting on a smartphone,

  moment app..tracks your screen time you use your smartphone in a healthy way , Grass hopper app..learn to code for free quick games on your phone can teach you how to code, procreate pocket app a tool for sketching and painting on a smartphone,

being a master chef was never this easy times internet to record studio like audio mint browser a free light weight save you from tedious transcribing..

  Time's food download the app now being a master chef was never this easy times internet Dolby labs work's on app to record studio like audio. Mint browser get it for free for android Xiaomi latest is mint browser a free light weight 10 mb web browser.   otter app.. this app can save you from tedious transcribing.. 

On Facebook keep privacy.. your data Transfer everything from one phone to another like a pro moving your contacts for mind full.ness and helps people sleep.

  On Facebook keep privacy.. your data on Facebook every time download it services available on this time line tagging  settings change it what you want to show to others keep watch on privacy make changes in it less use of Facebook of above do delete Facebook make Happy Transfer everything from one phone to another like a pro moving your contacts apps photo gallery and other data between device's can be easier than you think ..instead of you re-downloading all your apps on a new phone restore a back up from the previous phone..use Google drive sign in with Google account select the last one you used and your apps start downloading set up is finished restoring all apps from iPhone to another is easy but you still need to sign back into all apps on the new phone which is a real pain instead use password manager keep your photos in Google photos as for music use a streaming service Spotify save your contacts in Google account and transfer over to any phone even on iphones , for ...

YouTube swipe navigation start's rolling out What's app on iOS finally get private replies after the Google photos to get new features what's app old mesg vanishes?

  YouTube swipe navigation start's rolling out.. YouTube has introduced a new swipe based navigation features on iOS so far to switch between your video list tap next previous button after update you can just swipe left right to play the next or previous video. What's app on iOS finally get private replies after the latest updates what's app has added the private reply features to group chats you can tap and hold. A particular message in the group to bring up options select more and then select reply privately. Google photos to get new automatically suggested sharing among others features.. peoplekit name Google photos app in new version sharing new features available on this 4.8 version, also photo cropping features available on this. Tech tricks.... what's app old mesg vanishes? Do this to save .. open what's app menu settings  options goes chat back up option click it then backup to Google drive option display select it option daily weekly monthly ...

on what's app do mesg schedule what's app scheduler ,do it later On what's app no need to type mesg use your voice mesg ditiction features my heritage family tree DNA and ancestry search rating 4.2/5 developer

  tech tricks..on what's app do mesg schedule what's app scheduler  ,do it later ,skedit use these apps available for it not only mesg photo video schedule first what's app scheduler or other third party app download to give access to app settings accessibility service toggle enable it ,on what's app contact group select it now as your date time mesg type option available after mesg at top right side create button click on it mesg get schedule it at a time multiple mesg schedule it but time must be difference . On what's app no need to type mesg use your voice mesg ditiction features name available on android iOS user on what's app keyboard mic icon available detection features Google assistant Siri assistant available built in available on it click on mic to send mesg first open what's app select person number to whom send mesg open keyboard for android black keyboard for iOS Below available click on mic voice speak click on send edit option also available ...