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Showing posts from August 31, 2023

Chinese apps on youtube before comment alert get Whatsapp in new year emoji and wallpaper railway info on whatsapp railofie app link Whatsapp new feature:

  Chinese apps -:- alibaba  work batch aliexpress ali pay cashier cam card wedate etc. Snack video alibaba work batch cam card ali suppliers  alibaba work batch ali express smarter shopping better living ali pay cashier lala move india delivery app drive with lala move india snack video cam card business card reader cam card bcr  westrun sol follow the sol to find u Chinese social date in asia wedate sigol aador  toil Chinese toil asian china live date my edge asian date flart wish gayes only dating tubit we work china first love live rela cashier wallet mango tv mgtv we tv we tv light lucky live taoba live digdock identity v isoland 2 box star heroes evoled happy fish jelly match munch match. On instagram faq frequently ask question new feature. Youtube: -- on youtube before comment alert get it now ai based new feature launch it users can edit it or postpond it this. Whatsapp in new year emoji and wallpaper railway info on whatsapp ...

Yesterday google services down New year new apps- master class app to learn different arts education and guidance of professional Users data used for war between apple- facebook

Yesterday google services down  not working for some times gmail and other services in world google down gmail youtube not working (gmail, youtube ,calendar,drive,docs,sheets,slides,groups,hangout,chat meet,volt curtens forms cloud search keep voice) not working. New year new apps-  master class app to learn different arts education and guidance of professional step set go app- for excersise yoga daily step recored it reward points get discounts from e-commer websites iam app- negitative thinking keep behind and +ve thinking daily how many +ve thinking you need it  register available on it available on play store app store asana app-for work layout rough calculation imp point picts work responsibility process available on it. Users data used for war between apple- facebook-  to kepp users data personale app new feature ios 14 new app tracking transferency users track and target ads not possible now to keep safe personale data of users they have to take apple perm...

18% Indian for whatsapp say yes Twitter will start again account verification On entertainment screen who is dominating To keep whatsapp safe from hacking do this

18% Indian  for whatsapp  say yes—36% user will decrease, 91% payment feature not use ,35% app download decrease, whatsapp business account for mitra make my trip book my show etc use it, app use 15% stop, app will remain 18%,other app use 24% , less use 36% ,business app chat close 67%. Twitter  will start again account verification from 22 nd  jan onwards for celebrities popular person institution get blue color verified symbol twitter stop this process in nov2017 some diffiernces happen symbol have person twitter make aggrement but not true. On entertainment screen who is dominating  –netflix/amazon prime in india ahead, Netflix 20% prime video 20% others 19% sonyliv 4% alt balaji 4% youtube 7% zee 5 9% Disney hotstar 17%.   To keep whatsapp safe from hacking do this:-  2 steps verification activate it ,setting account 3 number 2 steps verification option select it,2 times 6 digits number enter it, email id register it to stop others from using ...

Not whatsapp signal app more use Any one can see your whatsapp number For many mesg share—indian messenger Alternate apps:- privacy policy rules changes users finding option in place of whatsapp other apps

  Not whatsapp signal app more use  it global youth use this new app whatsapp signal telegram competition signal download more for privacy this app more powerful end to end encryption open source protocol whatsapp mesg/calls encrypt it but signal one step forward mesg calls with metadata also encrypt it  it can’t see it by company also sealed tender—for your personal privacy safety for this tool give at who send to whom when and how many mesg only that person  know it only group calls safety other feature  for your privacy total  safety signal password/pass code biometric method lock it in apps block screen shot option available blur faces new feature add in it currently while image send before photo blur automatically all types local files 4 digits password encrypt it. Any one can see your whatsapp number :- at home on laptop in office desktop whatsapp web using it but there is one danger on google search any one can see your number privacy policy rule i...

Paytm or google pay in upi payment who Paytm or google pay in upi payment Accept whatsapp condition else go away from whatsapp 15th may Video streaming

  Paytm or google pay in upi payment wh o is leading (2020 yr ending stastics) upi united payments interence gay 96cr 43.4% pay phone pay 86.8cr 39.3% paytm payments banks paytm 26cr others 2.76% 6.1 cr amazon pay 1.68% 3.7cr bhim 1.07% 2.3cr ref   Paytm or google pay in upi payment  who is leading (2020 yr ending stastics) upi united payments interence gay 96cr 43.4% pay phone pay 86.8cr 39.3% paytm payments banks paytm 26cr others 2.76% 6.1 cr amazon pay 1.68% 3.7cr bhim 1.07% 2.3cr ref Accept whatsapp condition else go away from whatsapp  15 th  may deadline to users after 15 th  may on account problem occurs account will remain for some weeks calls notifications comes mesg not send/read it than after whatsapp account can’t get use it 40 crs Indian users 15 th  amy deadline after 15 th  may 10 cr users will increase it promotion in users chats 1 small banner display users to check tap to review. Video streaming —Netf...

By google timelapse feature experience environment changes take place Corona testing on smartphone/mobile app Useful tools password strength checker helps by make your digital safety strong

  By google timelapse feature experience environment changes take place  :-- google earth new feature last 4 decades travels it this is how time lapse feature—google earth feature open some part of earth time lapse feature by environment changes last 4 decades can see watch it. Corona testing on smartphone/mobile app  – vocalis health name isarel company vocalis check name app develop it now your voice will tell you corona +ve or –ve available on android/iphone mobile currently testing going on –- how to test it--- open app 50-70 digits number in loud sound speak voice record convert to spectrum app server previous record sound spectrum compare it now it tell corona +ve/-ve by using it. Useful tools password strength checker helps by make your digital safety strong —uic password strength test, nord pass  premium app nord pass website free available download it or without account create use it password length symbol word number based check it time to crack tell u...

fitness experts free and panel class available. loose weight app for man has 50 mn users. if phone lost keep whatsapp safe like this In google meet-- now video background

  Fitter app –fitness experts free and panel class available. Online fitness app- loose weight app for man has 50 mn users. Technology tips – if phone lost keep whatsapp safe like this  sim card lock it 2 option activate whatsapp new phone get it and new sim with old number sim insert and deactivate it to deactivate lost stolen or mail send and phone number as international calls as request it on new phone account activate your mesg distribute it if app account handle not activate it and then account for 30 days remove it. In google meet--   now video background now users have inplace of flshay background video background feature available but users own video background can’t keep it users have classroom party forest 3 options infuture more options available google from October 2020 from users video call between custom background  service available it.

to avoid any diesease to keep every person healthy”. Facebook names changes company new name meta Because of like share feature depression increase on Facebook

  Smartphone health apps are useful for example “goq app this app is created to avoid any diesease to keep every person healthy”. Because of like share feature depression increase on Facebook service provider removes 2yrs from thinking Facebook but not decide.   Facebook names changes company new name meta metalworks new way meta is Greek work beyound taken.