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Showing posts from April 22, 2023

Then whatsapp will have to remove from phone: Social media.... WhatsApp mesg with in 7 minutes Apps... photo convert to arts, different countries and language live portra ...for photo convert to Art's, app

  Then whatsapp will have to remove from phone :- whatsapp mesg app service condition changes by facebook soon if users not accept it then whatsapp have to remove from phone users info will get collected by this share on facebook to keep account accept condition privacy policy notification getting to users 8 th  feb 2021 time limit . Social media.... WhatsApp mesg with in 7 minutes delete for everyone 68 minutes 4096 second Apps... photo convert to arts, different countries and language live portra ...for photo convert to Art's, app dock 4 Droid for from any where we can open any app, Pocket tv app for different countries and live channels, xploree ai keyboard app for if you bore with simple keyboard use this.

18% Indian for whatsapp say yes Twitter will start again account verification Whatsapp keep eye on users bank account Then whatsapp will have to remove it from phone

  18% Indian  for whatsapp  say yes—36% user will decrease, 91% payment feature not use ,35% app download decrease, whatsapp business account for mitra make my trip book my show etc use it, app use 15% stop, app will remain 18%,other app use 24% , less use 36% ,business app chat close 67%. Twitter  will start again account verification from 22 nd  jan onwards for celebrities popular person institution get blue color verified symbol twitter stop this process in nov2017 some diffiernces happen symbol have person twitter make aggrement but not true. Whatsapp keep eye on users bank account  on app payment providing users info data collecting start bank access app getting it share it on facebook integral integration get started. Then whatsapp will have to remove it from phone:-  whatsapp mesg app service condition big changes by facebook soon if users not accept it then remove app from phone required it users personal  data  info  will get ...

On entertainment screen who is dominating Alternate apps:- privacy policy rules changes users finding option in place of whatsapp For many mesg share—indian messenger vocal for local popular for 10 lacs download

On entertainment screen who is dominating  –netflix/amazon prime in india ahead, Netflix 20% prime video 20% others 19% sonyliv 4% alt balaji 4% youtube 7% zee 5 9% Disney hotstar 17%. Alternate apps :- privacy policy rules changes users finding option in place of whatsapp other apps want to use it signal,telegram have aoption  in place of foreign app use Indians apps-business chat  option give  Namaste india app - chat,talk  for app use it text mesg voice mail group chat multimedia sharing realtime location feature data sink with business chat same as whatsapp webnier provided live conferencing time table white board feature. For many mesg share— indian messenger  vocal for local popular for 10 lacs download it text mesg calling story chat request feature facebook/integral global search special feature to give competition to twitter/facebook feature by many persons with mesg share it.  

Code lab app... which allows kids to drag to find 7-30 days old call details use app On WhatsApp voice call to video call Uc browser app launch New version

  Code lab app... which allows kids to drag and drop.blocks of code that control it's movement and animation. to find 7-30 days old call details use app mobble app Free app. On WhatsApp voice call to video call switch feature available what's app Uc browser app launch New version in Indian market version 12.0.

Chkfake app...that allows any one to check for authentication Ixigo train app ..shubh Yatra cool tool Chinese tech media cos back desi news sites Xender app...HD file transfer

  Chkfake app...that allows any one to check for authentication of any major currencies across globe. Ixigo train app ..shubh Yatra cool tool for train travellers. Chinese tech media cos back desi news sites want to replicate home success invernacular dog app by Hong Kong news aggregating app same as uc web, daily hunt news app, popular news reader app toutiao , toutiao kuai shou, uc web,share chat clip app. Xender app...HD file transfer speedy app Xender file transfer share,

Facebook becoming social. Again Facebook lite app goes live Video editing apps...magisto, quik, Dating apps Be your own DJ have a rocking party with out a central music player or speaker.

  Facebook becoming social. Again...for last few days popular social networking site Facebook init some changes get happens in news feed friends and relatives post will get display videos and news get reduces. Facebook lite app goes live with security check. Video editing apps...magisto, quik, Adobe premiere clip, kind master pro. Dating apps....tole madly, tinder, you, hot or not. Be your own DJ have a rocking party with out a central music player or speaker.ampme app...that allows you to connect mobile device with multiple friends and start party with out a DJ run the show.

What's app payment feature launch. Apps... daily current affair English grammar test Snapchat out with. New feature snap chats Facebook tests down vote feature

  What's app payment feature launch.for android, iOS WhatsApp iOS..2.18.21, android...2.18.41 version. Apps... daily current this app daily current developments information in the world for education. , App English grammar test for every exam preparation English grammar needed. Snapchat out with. New feature snap chats latest tool.allows you to personalize your snaps,snap chat bitmoji app. Facebook tests down vote feature the new feature introduced by Facebook is the closest to the much requested dislike button