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Users privacy not hack-new privacy policy for whatsapp Privacy hacking on whatsapp Whatsapp 1 step behind in policy privacy secure it Users hacking on whatsapp

Users privacy not hack-new privacy policy for whatsapp saying-new rule declared all mesg protected no share on facebook for business also new rules use it apply it this not share on facebook not listening any mesg calls call /mesg send person logs keeps it whatsapp facebook share location not see your mobile number not share on facebook whatsapp groups are private vanish mesg setting you do it you your data download it whatsapp groups are private not share on facebook ads alls are encrypted sp not see it mesg chat  vanish users can do it between whatsapp info share on facebook plan apply for users many take objection.

Privacy hacking on whatsapp- what next?what is new privacy policy from 8th feb users all content data app will any time from any place data reproduce display distribute it users info & data list all users content data app keep eye on users app share it on facebook ads display as per it analysis data content display as per for mesg users info data share it who take info imesg telegram world users signal 1cr telegram 50 cr whatsapp 500 cr facebook mesg 100 cr.

Whatsapp 1 step behind in policy privacy secure it from 8th feb users keep secure on app app facebook mesg calls not listen callers calls mesg not keep share location not see it conatact  list will give to facebook apps groups private mesg vanish setting users do it data can download it .

Users hacking  on whatsapp info encrypted rules whatsapp encrypted rule decalred users new condition & rules upto 8th feb accepted it service new condition privacy encrypted for users share on facebook whatsapp declared new rules new chat share on facebook encrypted update on facebook data of users keeps it mesg not share business economic info not in it info data content.
