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Now what will be new on WhatsApp app? Google changes design remove it From chrome browser third party tracker and cookies will get remove it.

Now what will be new on WhatsApp ? Chat transfer android user's chat transfer on iOS services available if android user's shift on iOS chat transfer their last year chat transfer iOS Android in between started user's chat history from iOS phones to android devices transfer it Admin has control group chat on admin control increase for new feature works on on WhatsApp admin soon group chat in post mesg can removes it if Admin removes mesg group person get notification this feature disappearing mesg from seprate it Admin can use this anytime sticker store services not available on desktop web apps now stickers store services desktop apps beta version in add it currently available in beta app coming soon in desktop web apps community feature different groups some group in gathering together permission available user's can have 10 group permission business near by new feature attractive have.

Google changes design remove it after complaint company take decision paid content click Google ads unpaid search results different open.

From chrome browser third party tracker and cookies will get remove it.

Why Google back tracked on it's new search results look the search giant which many feel has grown too powerful tweaked the way it displayed ad on search results it did not  do over all .

Google changes design remove it after complaint company take decision paid content click/Google ads unpaid search results different.
