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Keep WiFi safe change settings While using public Wi-Fi The browser commands For online safety always search and download Twitter management parts


Keep WiFi safe change settings , password option select it.... connection settings change it go to connection right click open network and sharing centre select change adaptor setting property double click  internet protocol version TCP ipv note all enteries select advance option for access user keep password safe DNS setting note it check access process for safety router setting adjust it router user name password enter it make password compulsory for that admin click manage navigate it for router new password select for confirm re enter 

It for save settings re-start it  in 2 nd step navigate a wan it also safety option in our PC settings limited access other will access it basic wireless settings identify secur it.

While using public Wi-Fi our WiFi auto connect option keep closed ,do not use private personal information, do not use app instead use website https protocol use, keep wifi Bluetooth close do not use notification keep flie sharing option close.

The browser commands about 60 percent market share chrome starts blocking ads Google's move looks less like a neighborhood clean up then an assertion of dominance users will see a notification when chrome blocks ads and can option to view them if they want.

For online safety always search and download history remove it.... change password always after 8 days do not write password any where if login Facebook on others PC and forgot logout .on our smartphone or PC login security settings where you have land in end all activity always remove search and download history on others PC used use private window browser history cookies not get store file menu new tab option below new private window option available for what's app safety use AppLock app.

How to.handle Twitter Twi Twi? ....

Twitter management parts... Handle profile photo cover photo twitts feed mention advertisement on Twitter Twitter management tools are sprout social hootsuite

