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Pubg is working towards producing fresh content Game play.. shadow of the tomb raider looks Optic gaming announces Indian C's 80. Detroit become human demo.the game


Pubg is working towards producing fresh content pubg is adding a smaller faster

100 theavy map Savage to the game in the coming months currently in a special test server , this map forces players to fight more often ..pubg.

Gear of war 4, Halo 3, mirror's edge catalyst.

Flash royale game,noizio app game.

Garden war fare2, game.

Game play.. shadow of the tomb raider looks shadowy the game revolves around Lara's story set in jungles of South America.


Optic gaming announces Indian C's 80. Squad the launch marks the 1st major international interest in Indian esports .

Detroit become human demo.the game has the capability to show case the potential of this genure with out being  limited by technical issues.
