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WhatsApp status telephone use for calling status medium by chatting At the time of video call do multitasking WhatsApp new features. in virtual world more data and storage Full capacity Cloud storage guaranteed service provide select

 WhatsApp status telephone use for calling status medium by
 chatting my contacts this option connect list save all phone number
 status display my contacts except it this option our phone number
 last display in it one or more number select it select number Red tick 
get it this Red tick select number status by hide it their status not display
 only share with option phone number list it select number green tick it
 it have status display settings option status privacy three options my 
contacts my contacts except only share with three settings change
 chatting WhatsApp privacy chat use it only share with option select 
important number status show settings done after status chat mesg
 give it related person status chat seen it after setting status chat it.

At the time of video call do multitasking WhatsApp new features..
At the time of video call other app can use currently testing on it pip
 in pip mode between video call pip in pip mode service to user's
 other app can use between call pip in pip mode user's other app
 can open video call also do it easy language video call between multitasking.

in virtual world more data and storage Full capacity
Cloud storage guaranteed service provide select Google drive Ms one drive drop 
Box include Google docs service available and 15 gb free available space.
Off-line use it Ms one drive 5 gb upto free space offers it and by use 
Ms office file's easily access drop Box 2 gb free available drop Box
 off-line use it clouds storage free available but gurrented service 
use only and your data safe it.
