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Google on your way users privacy in danger Whatsapp privacy policy from 14th may get implemented Whatsapp 1 account in 4 smartphone active To start podcast imp toolkit


Google on your way users privacy in danger:- google say’s users data safe users location history all safe location history setting changes users have all persmission google tracking users location history google told to smartphone companies to make location data setting more complicated phone  apps location history on option on history given  so google tracks users easily 20% more data collect by google than apple in it users all inf email id all apps use location history include in it by users inf pixel google smartphone use this data for business.

Whatsapp privacy policy from 14th may get implemented who not accept policy account will not get deleted instantly on whatsapp users content upload submit store send recevice that content use whatsapp any where as policy say’s users data share it other places if policy not accepted delete account as say but that recall it .privacy policy users impact users how much expenditure on which things keep eye on it and to users ads display as on it  as ipd as ip address of phone location track it as per status on facebook mesg send  as per it content analysis it ads and business mesg send to users on which group active keeps eye on it.

Whatsapp 1 account in 4 smartphone active--- whatsapp app coming soon multi device support feature launching it by this user 1 times in 1 smartphone 1 whatsapp account active it currently 1 whatsapp account in 1 smartphone can run it only in other smartphone login in 1st smartphone account get automatically logout.

To start  podcast  imp toolkit:- imp tools no big investment needed 1 laptop and smartphone broadcast ,know people public seo get help search engine optimization for title and seo friendly keyword  help get it due to this podcast search remain at top
