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Online fraud--- 8 apps from play store google removes it Stock ware most dangers same as calender app's If battery decrease fast then stock ware in your mobile

Online fraud--- 8 apps from play store google removes it by apps users data theft hacker by this ads shows and subscription service by other pay’s takes makes fraud currently  more than 120 bogous cryptocurrencies myning apps online available

Stock ware most dangers same as calender app's display apple Google trouble Giving behind it hacking flash kill loger app... family s all online watch helpful but private life info get  these are same as calender calculator apps as Mobile tool asent subers etc app's give trouble to Google apple in 9 month's 65% increase it support King name app ban first action taken 


If battery decrease fast then stock ware in your mobile stock ware call location photo record it  phone computer type all records it use it in place of delete safety agency inform it  
