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To reduce screen time 1 trick:- on any smartphone Digital new name Facebook Facebook acculus quest 2 headset Company in 2016/2017 in acculus rooms and Facebook


To reduce screen time 1 trick:- on any smartphone setting digital wellbeing and parental control option available on phone setting digital wellbeing option display available on android iphone in service available in this social media ott channel and internet screen  time know it screen time set it  in  day how many time phone watch  screen time can set it reminder get it in phone different apps set timer for it in it focus mode available for work focus mode in work time option on it phone other things get stop me time  option available apps get closed for particular time period  and focus on work only bed time mode screen light becomes grey eye problem reduce notification and phone calls gets mute it so use phone setting digital wellbeing option.

Digital new name Facebook mian focus get know. Zoom meeting place will be taken by meta work's for investment tech companies competition in facebook vorision work's room app currently doing testing on it .

Facebook acculus quest 2 headset taking for vorision work's room app launch it.

Company in 2016/2017 in acculus rooms and Facebook spaces likes apps launch it by in 2019 get closed vorision works room app internal testing started currently.
