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Users hacking on whatsapp Twitter has Indian users Likes play hide and seek’s on facebook and intstagram If whatsapp app policy not accepted still account remains

Users hacking  on whatsapp info encrypted rules whatsapp encrypted rule decalred users new condition & rules upto 8th feb accepted it service new condition privacy encrypted for users share on facebook whatsapp declared new rules new chat share on facebook encrypted update on facebook data of users keeps it mesg not share business economic info not in it info data content.

  Twitter has Indian users 19000000 usa 69300000 japan 50900000 india 19000000 britan 16450000 brazil 16020000  63% users in 35-65 years old 192000000 twitter whole global daily active users.

Likes play hide and seek’s on facebook and intstagram:- for users free options available on both likes and counts can hide it on integral turn off likes tool for users available for users who donot want to show likes publicly user tool this for integral already test it on post comments danger less find it likes hide options available have users can use it  facebook already likes hide test on some users some likes this tool  and some doesnot likes it. 

If whatsapp app policy not accepted still account remains:- whatsapp new privacy policy not accepted still users all services remains on it not accepted by users accounts services will remains on whatsapp app.
