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Gmail app features..send mail cancel recall on Gmail Send mail can cancel it... Google for user Google play store from 142 apps information hacks


Gmail app features..send mail cancel recall on Gmail Undo send name features previously available on iOS users now on android users Gmail 8.7 version app download from google play store.

Send mail can cancel it... Google for user undo send feature launch previously this service available only on Gmail iOS user now for android users available on it.

Google play store from 142 apps information hacks these are learn to draw clothing, gymnastic training tutorial, baby room,wall decoration,body builder, painting mehandi,nail art etc.   In the last week for safety reasons Google removes 145 apps from google play store . malware attacks virus malware found on Google system for safety reason Google removes 145 apps ,in 2017 42 apps spreading virus and information hacking. Virus files not working on android system they are non active their.
