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Usage misusage and abuse Linkedin 50 cr users data leak Youtube World’s 2nd largest platform for education/entertainment option for Netflix for smart learning little dot studio & brut likes apps:

Usage misusage and abuse in mobile digital wellbeing app it tell how many times mobile unlock how many mesg send on social media times spent how much i.e. total screen time display.

Linkedin 50 cr users data leak 61 lacs Indian users in it linkedin id total name email address phone number profile and other social media related profile.

  Youtube World’s 2nd largest platform:- 9.2% youtue users india’s users more traffic country 41.9 minutes average more than 18 yr old users on it  210% big house offices title videos daily videos 100bn hrs in gaming in yr 2020 1bn hrs videos daily watch 94% Indian users new learn on it 90motorcycle maintence and repair videos watch 72% gym excersise fit 50% bigger titles videos 45% live streaming 2bn login/month users.

Tech tools:- for education/entertainment option for Netflix for smart learning little dot studio & brut likes apps:-little dot studio—non frictional video channel lds youtube channel as best network non frictional videos edutement based short stories feature lengths flims and documentary free available users get new feature documentary/week. 
