18% Indian for whatsapp say yes Twitter will start again account verification On entertainment screen who is dominating Namaste india app Alternate apps:- privacy policy rules changes users
18% Indian for whatsapp say yes—36% user will
decrease, 91% payment feature not use ,35% app download decrease, whatsapp
business account for mitra make my trip book my show etc use it, app use 15%
stop, app will remain 18%,other app use 24% , less use 36% ,business app chat
close 67%.
Twitter will start again account verification from 22nd jan
onwards for celebrities popular person institution get blue color verified
symbol twitter stop this process in nov2017 some diffiernces happen symbol have
person twitter make aggrement but not true.
On entertainment screen who is dominating –netflix/amazon
prime in india ahead, Netflix 20% prime video 20% others 19% sonyliv 4% alt
balaji 4% youtube 7% zee 5 9% Disney hotstar 17%.
Namaste india app- chat,talk for app use it text mesg voice mail group chat
multimedia sharing realtime location feature data sink with business chat same
as whatsapp webnier provided live conferencing time table white board feature.
Alternate apps:- privacy policy rules changes users finding option in place of
whatsapp other apps want to use it signal,telegram have aoption in place
of foreign app use Indians apps-business chat option give
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