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Instagram direct gets voice messaging Top apps Top paid apps Apps for ringtone maker... ringdroid, ringtone On cellphone read and earn money. Phone pay,google pay or paytm?


Instagram direct gets voice messaging ... finally Instagram rolls out the voice messaging feature to it's direct messages however one may wonder why Facebook the parents firm of Instagram WhatsApp and messenger took so long to copy the feature considering that the messenger had long replicated it from WhatsApp..a look at Instagrams new direct message interface.

Top apps... Facebook, WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, Instagram, clean master, UC browser, Skype, snap chat,share it,line.


Top paid apps...line ,tinder, Pandora music,line manga, Netflix, Kakao talk,line play, HBO now.

Apps for ringtone maker... ringdroid, ringtone maker,mp3 cutter and ringtone maker, ringtone cutter. Ringdroid create ringtone, alarams create , notification sound create on it , ringtone maker create ringtone and alaram on it, MP3 cutter and ringtone maker app... song's particular part cut to create ringtone this app is very useful helpful for us, ringtone cutter app.. their is no limit to create ringtone any number of ringtone on it.

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Phone pay,google pay or paytm? Phonepe 1492.0mn google pay 1119.2mn paytm 454.0mn
