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your smart phone continuesly over heating battery get blast use these to avoid overheating problem. Chinese video app's... video streaming Friend ship profiles on Snapchat app


User tips.. your smart phone continuesly over heating battery get blast use these to avoid overheating problem.. phone get over heating due to brightness  more, WiFi use more,more games played,or Temp problem while charging battery get blast small size phone processer get heated quickly battery get affected other reason are also affected phone heated.. smart phone case ,over loading, internal memory, virus,camera lens,gps or Google maps use phone get heated.use these tips useful helpful for us.. unwanted apps remove it , small easy steps will solved problem.. remove cover ,on airoplane mode, brightness less keep, battery saver mode on wifi Bluetooth GPS use less , battery optimization.use these types of feature phone wrong battery cable don't use it old battery don't charge 100% if get heated remove back cover.

Technokant... Chinese video app's... video streaming services app's.. Zak Zak pro app..17+, bingo live,tango,live me,live you,uplive, no-no live, Mim live, Zak Zak pro,live video sharing app's.. bingo live, tango,live me,live you,uplive, no-no live, Mim live, Zak Zak pro,high live ,bingo live, tango,live me,live you,uplive, no-no live, Mim live, Zak Zak pro,high live,lip sinking apps..tik tok, dubsmash,like, dubshoot,smul, Short video app's.. vmate,kye,clip,samosa Labs.

Friend ship profiles on Snapchat app.. Snapchat has launched friendship profiles which celebrate user's relation with close friends .they hold everything you and your friends have saved in chat in one place friendship profiles will also display a user's Snap map location.
