after user permission on WhatsApp group get added WhatsApp for group member related one privacy settings features launch in India Some month before what's app forward mesg limition apply on it
Tech tricks:--- after user permission on WhatsApp
group get added.. WhatsApp is a very influential medium to make user's
chatting more interesting for that what's app consistently new features comes
up with to stop fake news tipline number after .
WhatsApp for group member related one privacy settings features
launch in India any group admin to add any user's or not user's options
given on it after WhatsApp new version update all user get this service on it
many times user's doesn't like to include in group but get included but after
messaging irritation user's left group now user's get benefit from group invitation
features for that first of all go to the WhatsApp settings account option click
on it privacy section on group click on it after click 3 options display
everyone, my contact, nobody,one of those options select it. Nobody option and
group admin with out your permission can add it you in any group,my contact on
it phone address book user can add you in group setting 3 options any options
select from admin new chat mesg get send to you asking for permission to add in
Some month before what's app forward mesg limition apply on it but
now changes it WhatsApp comes with new features in this feature forwarding
info, frequently forwarded included, forwarding info mesg how many times
forward it get known information get it companies now features iOS Android beta
version on launch it .
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