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WhatsApp will catch repeatedly forward mesg... Google service getting closed Calendar apps user's can rent a smart biycle fitted with GPS tracking system and sensor's from a cycle stand for short distance and durations via mobile app like yulu mobycy apps.


WhatsApp will catch repeatedly forward mesg... technology WhatsApp forwardeing info and  frequently forward feature by fake news will stop fake news on it fake photo will also check it., Mesg forward it on it  or not will also check on WhatsApp.

Google service getting closed ...kinboxfor Gmail app user's send notification saying Google plus closed on April 2 your like in box features in main app if user's doesn't want data and info they can delete Google plus account Google plus all info will not get saved in archive low resolution photos video saved.

Calendar Cal app to this app connect your Google Microsoft calendar.outlook app 2019 for mobile best calendar and task management app created.

Calendar apps...cloudcal app to this app your Google, Microsoft can connect to it, outlook app in 2019 for mobile best calendar task management app created connect it with email account that gives best features experience on it.

App store:--- user's can rent a smart biycle fitted with GPS tracking system and sensor's from a cycle stand for short distance and durations via mobile app like yulu mobycy apps.
