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iPhone xr a brilliant Apple launch 48 lac's What's app is draining one plus sells Apple of sells at 12 cr rs apple. Apple revenue break down Riversong air X3 bass for buck the compact well

 iPhone xr a brilliant choice iPhone xr starting from 44900 RS.

Apple launch 48 lac's gold earpods 

What's app is draining one plus sells by WhatsApp new version 2.19.308 .

Apple of sells at 12 cr rs apple..1 sells at 1.75$ bn12.3 cr RS.

Apple revenue break down in q4 2018—2019 iphone 52% services 20% mac 11% wearable home and accessories 10% ipad 7%.

Riversong air X3 bass for buck the compact well designed ear phones offer an impressive audio experience for the price 5999 RS.
