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Social media knows all about you Hello , Google welcome home! ... Google assistant has been the company's biggest AI Technology tips.... which will save your time... Google search right click while on line reading select word and right click it select search Google


Social media knows all about you.... your city address email phone number, your like comments, your family, user activity when active on Facebook, your location, your events, you which apps using, mesg sticker emoji ,other data collected ( Facebook friends, group information, Facebook voice call, phone contact number, file received send , your job information, your events) Facebook privacy policy to want to see our open data use help/131112897028467. Link use it .for any report on android legal/ troubleshooter/1114905. On iOS report  on Google play store and app store on app store report flag inappropriate link.

Hello , Google welcome home! ... Google assistant has been the company's biggest AI project and with Google home products the virtual assistant finally finds a pace.. voice activated speakers can take over your home and how! Voice assisted speakers are your virtual secretaries today .the top white panel has leds that light up every time you say ok Google the out put is a 360 degree ambient sound.

Technology tips.... which will save your time... Google search right click while on line reading select word  and right click it select search Google option click on it new tab option as per that word search results get it is more effective and save time more working it. Using scroll wheel open new tab .. while searching opening  a link in a new tab move cursor to that and click mouse scroll wheel now this link get open in new tab . Searching file in natural language in less time searching file on pc windows 10 window search or Cortana use it write for file according to your natural language for example" show me photos from.last week". Using space bar up or down scroll page for any page up or down scroll bar or up down key's get used it is very tidius now use space bar scroll down page now for go up shift plus space bar tap it.
