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To increase smartphone battery time period . How to save smartphone battery? .. application animation option close it screen automode or 50 In Apple software 1 St time language problem arrived


To increase smartphone battery time period .... britness increase battery decrease, wifi GPRS switch off, Bluetooth danger switch off, screen time out decrease time out time, ringtone and vibration do not use vibration use ringtone mode, as per required apps what's app email Facebook , messenger apps as per required install, battery app easy battery saver DU battery battery doctor advance mobile care apps use to save battery.

How to save smartphone battery? .. application animation option close it screen automode or 50 percentage britness kept it screen setting sounds  and  m play  screen time out option use it data Bluetooth WiFi mobile data off  services setting location service remove all ticks marks service FB tw office mail Google plus viabrate keep phone in ringtone mode antivirus due to antivirus app mobile get slow signal kept mobile in flight mode video do not use video when battery low app downloading unwanted app remove it icon not daily use app kept inside 

In Apple software 1 St time language problem arrived in one language character iPhone get crash what's app Gmail get closed text mesg receiving app getting crash ,we will solve the problem quickly .... Apple. As per Apple iOS 11 Mac OSI siara watch os4 tv os 11 in version problem arrived.
