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In digital age related to password Indians are way behind world easy have Per second apple earns 3000$ per second earning details- Digital india—google search in Indian language new feature cuttently in hindi

 In digital age related to password Indians are way behind world easy have 123456,111111,123456789,12345 types password use it Indians use 12345,india123, iloveyou,abc123,123456789 types password use it this password type only indian123 password to crack 17 minutes required password like this have complecated password keep it minimum 12 character and english big /small characters and also digits and symbols use it are difficult to crack password for popular name ourname are password Liverpool football club name keep it and also Ferrari parse popular car password for keep it had word's and legal word in court  password use these are square word name it man use more like this than female iloveyou female more use it in USA found it. 

Per second apple earns 3000$ per second earning details--- apple $3002, alphabet $2239, Microsoft $2153,facebook meta $ 1278,amazon $853 ,1350$bn transcation and 300bn$ net profit in 30 sept 2021 date ended year details alphabet google 98% profit increase apple 65% increase meta facebook 59% increase amazon 51% increase Microsoft 43% increase.

Digital india—google search in Indian language new feature cuttently in hindi kannda tamil telgu malyalum language available other language soon available with it voice command on google search use it hingilish and 5 regional language service available money transction more easy goole pay on voice command service available speech to text available some special feature bill list my shop feature coming soon in india end to end do register environment q/c weather information weather near me search by for education and jobs google classrooms learning platform now offline available it can download information use anytime on google search practice problem feature access feature available.
