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Website reality and photos reality to get know Google four methods use it The literacy pen: user's on screen type by word spelling get shows On Facebook coming new features in screen video and live watch it


Website reality and photos reality to get know Google four methods use it 


About this result with in  website  collection information get 

About this result 

By this features user's any website without open information collected it  user's search results website infront three dots click on more about this page go to their website related information shows 

On Wikipedia available that website details get 

About this image 

By this features user's image source and background about information get 

Google image result infront three dots click more about this page go to other websites that image what information get their photos history watch in where get published 

Google fact check also Google fact check tool helps by user's bogus videos and photos get find 

First in Google fact check search it resent in that photos or videos about to get know upload that different places related information get viral ingredients information available 

Reverse image 

Google image by reverse image go-to photo video or image resources and reality check it 

On Google image go-to lens option click it from gallery select photo Google photos related photo and reality information about this get details available 

On Google new updates 

Google about this result about this image features Hindi with other 40 language available in English franch Germany Italian Japanese Korean Portugal Spanish language have coming days user's service improve Google true caller like doing call finder app will launch it true caller like Google search by unknown number information get report by this features name look-up is currently this is in beta testing going on 

The literacy pen: user's on screen type by word spelling get shows 

It is a device which can connect on any own pencils microphone connect it not literacy person ant word to write while writing device on button press while word speaks that's word write shows on screen user's that word copy by easily write teaching it device compact lite weight user's for easy comfortable has.


On Facebook coming new features in screen video and live watch it 

User's like tiktok Full screen mode in ant video watch features by feeds on live videos more good to see and also portrait full screen small video watch it all types videos comments also user's easy get new video players for Facebook Instagram reels formats with video play pose for 10 seconds skip option available and also from bottom user's their by any video reverse and forward it Facebook new update Android iOS user's for publish new update USA Canada starts from than for whole world publish 
