App update Google and apple app store in direct competition Apple MKT value price 3 laces CR $ changing yr changes apple MKT value Windfall entry threads new microblogging platform on Wednesday launch Launch threads 4 hrs in user's 50 laces+ threads twitter killer
App update Google and apple app store in direct competition
Smartphone app's direct from Facebook download it meta plans
Android tech side loading app download permission give but Google in app Billings like Play Store with include user's download from others sources Google gives warning meta iOS user's before Android on our new special test plan European New rules apple Google phone app download it other option gives required then user's app download and know many options get first updates European user's comes.
Apple MKT value price 3 laces CR $ changing yr changes apple MKT value price apple 3500$:bn 500$ bn iPod iPhone 1500$ bn iPad 2500$ bn apple watch 1000$ bn Air pods 2500$ bn mone Max 2000-2500$ bn on Friday apple company World record MKT price 3 Friday USA $ 3 laces CR $ apple share 49% increase others AI but apple don't have AI in 2000yr 5$ bn MKT price 3 laces CR cross it
Windfall entry threads new microblogging platform on Wednesday launch
Launch threads 4 hrs in user's 50 laces+ threads twitter killer
Twitter competition threads repost feed
Same twitter thread 500 char limit on twitter 250 char website link photo 5 minutes video share permission like twitter direct mesg service available by instgram login your known person show's on threads but threads account to delete Instagram account delete required
Twitter competition to whom
Bluesley 2021 launch 300 char count post limit available app 180000 user's have
Spill 2023 Jan launch it has 20000 user's
Mastdom 2016 launch publicly in 2022 1 CR user's
Postnews for news for user's different institutions education information has and subscription available Nov 2022 launch 2 laces subscribe
Koo like twitter Indian app 2020 launch 20+ language 400 char can post 60 CR user's
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