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By doing this DVD end's Life! Does your phone have theses apps? 60 apps in malware found on Google Play official apps goldon malware found world 10 CR Android

 By doing this DVD end's Life!

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Does your phone have theses apps?
60 apps in malware found on Google Play official apps goldon malware found world 10 CR Android phone user's phone data danger arrives this malware user's smartphone installed apps WiFi Bluetooth connection device gps location information theft without user's known background and click it by ads controversy created it to theft information this create only Android new version 10% data malware theft many apps photo editing and video related dangerous apps swip breek breaks money monitoring expenses Al budget l dot point and l dot pay like 10-10 lacs more download popular apps include have how malware effect 2 day's after get active phone information to server send when these apps user's open malware get registered phone information collection long server send it these apps permission gives phone information collection many permission many information thefts
