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On WhatsApp coming new features user's voice notes in text convert it possible now This dial code by search find your phone calls forwarding and radiation situation..

 On WhatsApp coming new features user's voice notes in text convert it possible now 

Coming some day's user's on WhatsApp new update get it WhatsApp voice notes content convert for one special features coming soon some reports saying it at starts this service hindi english Russians Portuguese and Spanish language comes in this features at start Android users for release it with it company video call improvement work do video call with now user's screen share option available in WhatsApp video call in 32 user's at one time include in.

This dial code by search find your phone calls forwarding and radiation situation..
*#07# this code dial by phone real price get known means phone how much radiation create it get know it per kilo Watt 1.6 Watt upto cost allowed by 

*#21# by this code you get know your phone calls forward do it or not if call forward running it on than this #21# dial by Stop it 
*#43# by this code you on your number call waiting service starts it this service #43# dial by close it possible 

*#0# this code dial your phone camera speaker sensor and display correctly working it or not get know.
